
The song "Died in the dark" conveys deep emotions of loss and pain from an unfulfilled love, expressed through vivid imagery and poignant words.

Feelings evoked by the song:

1. Unhealing Pain: The song talks about how the pain doesn’t fade with time, but rather intensifies, like scars that only grow deeper each day. The metaphor of "seeds in the dark" and "walking on glass" reflects how the pain feels constant and unrelenting.

2. Grief and Regret: There’s a strong sense of regret and emotional turmoil, especially with the recurring notion of being tricked by love. The lyrics reflect a broken heart, feeling as though the speaker is slowly dying, piece by piece.

3. Hopelessness and Emptiness: The singer describes being haunted by the ghost of the past, unable to move on or find peace. There’s a recurring theme of being stuck in the past, unable to escape the pain, as if trapped in a cycle of loss.

4. Betrayal: The lines "Fool me once, shame on you, but I was fooled twice" evoke a feeling of betrayal, and the idea of love being something fragile like "a house of cards" that collapses with a single blow adds to the sense of heartbreak and disbelief.

5. Permanent Scars: The outro reveals that the pain will remain forever, marked as permanent scars on the heart, symbolizing how deeply the love has affected the person, leaving an indelible memory of what once was.

Overall, the song brings out feelings of deep sorrow, loss, and a sense of being trapped in emotional pain that seems impossible to escape.




Blue, Hiphop, Pop, Rb Soul, Rock